Useful Books & Links Recommended For Further Study


Books & Docs:


Unveiled Glory” by Hannah Hurnard … out-of-print  –> Also see my blog post: “Unveiled Glory… the revelation of Christ” for a full discussion of its content.  This is the book that inspired me to at long last self-identify as Christian.          Download Here –> Unveiled Glory – The Book


“Universal Reconciliation in Christ” my full blog content–> 


“The Shack  by Paul Williams
                                                            go to:     

              A powerful story of tragedy and redemption.  The movie of the same title beautifully portrays the essence of God as a Trinity who provides  a soulful answer to the heartfelt cry of all suffering humanity — WHY??



 “Hope Beyond Hell” by Gary Beauchemin 
                                                        go to:

                                                                        Very thorough, well referenced to Scripture
“Love Wins” by Rob Bell              
                                                       go to:

                                                                      An easy read using a conversational approach to the subject


“The First Gospel According to Lawrence” by Larry Fox –>

 “The Greatest Story I Ever Told” by Larry Fox –>

                                                                      My brother’s appeal to Ultimate Reconciliation



websites representing a large collection of appeals to the Scriptural teaching that God’s boundless love will reap a universal harvest.


                       This site hosts many of the links below and much more
                        This site holds the work of the late E.Preston Eby.  My favorite pamphlet of his: “Just What Do You Mean, Jubilee?”

                        This links to a series of 59 youtube videos detailing an approach to psycho/spiritual/emotional healing based on Christ’s
                        presence within
Gary Amirault

 Jan Antonsson    

Joanne Anstine